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Inanna at the 1st gate

On 29th September there will be the 1st Moon Venus conjunction since Venus is again visible, now as evening star, and Inanna has began her ascent from the underworld. The conjunction of Venus with the tiny crescent Moon will be visible after sunset for a only a short time.

Inanna receives back her robe at the 1st gate. Thus it is about her connection with the matter, the physical world. The 1st gate represents Muladhara, our root chakra. It is the place of our vital force, our energy that drives us, our needs for survival, our primal trust, our connection with Mother Earth. Passing through this gate is all about feeling and strengthening the trust in our own (chthonic) roots.

Helpful for this are:
– working/ engaging with the element earth, gardening
– pausing, feeling into one‘s own body and its needs, tracing one‘s sensuality
– strengthening one‘s relation to one‘s own body, to honour it, to see the body as an equal partner
– to be in balance with one‘s body so that the universal masculine and feminine forces can flow through it freely
– the colour red – clothes, food, flowers, paintings
– drumming or listening to drum music
– rosemary, clover, ginger, cedar, cypress
– asanas, meditation, mantras, and other exercises that activate the root chakra
– archangel Uriel

When we have a healthy root chakra we not only feel our body but are also aware of our connection with all life forms and that the earth as source of all life nourishes and supports us.

Venus is in Libra until the 8th October which resonates with the overtone of the current Venus cycle (in Libra) and which is all about (re-) creating a healthy relation with all aspects of creation. That includes that we consciously take responsibility for how we create bonds with others, how we relate to others. We can use the next weeks to become aware of the quality of our relationships and to realise that our outer relationships are mirrors of the relationship we have with ourselves our inner reality.
To have deeper, more meaningful, fulfilling relationships, or less tiring, challenging ones, it is worth looking at one‘s own patterns:
– in which conflicts do you blame the other person?
– in which situations do you insist on your point of view?
– when are you convinced to be right and only want to be surrounded with people of your opinion?
– are you willing to take responsibility for your share in any kind of conflict?
– are you willing to look at your behaviour in relationships, how you start relationships, how you behave in relationships, how you treat the other?
– are you willing to really listen to the other?
– are you willing to go deeper and further than ever before, even if that feels very scary?

Venus and Moon (18.44) and Mercury (24.38) in Libra are in square to Pluto (20.38 rx) and Saturn (14.00) in Capricorn. That could make communication during the next weeks difficult, especially when we try to tell others how we fell and what needs we have. It is a great window to explore the own inner conflict between one‘s own personal needs and one‘s learned concepts. For the Libra goddess the quality of relationships is important where everybody‘s voice and opinion is equally valid and where every point of view is worth to be heard. She does cultivate conscious co-creative collaborative common collective relationships. We can learn a lot from her. With each outer conflict we have the opportunity to become aware of our own inner conflicts. The more we learn to listen to ourselves, the more we are willing to lay down our learned behaviour, the more we open our ears to the voice deep deep within,  the more open we become towards others and the more we can listen to them without prejudice. 

Image: Dieter Schütz /

Inanna at the 1st gate

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