magic soul | Burguffeler Str.4 | 34376 Immenhausen | 

Full Moon – wisdom of dreaming

Today’s Full Moon (Strawberry moon, honey moon, mead moon, rose moon), apart from falling into my favourite season (abundant wild and big strawberries, bee honey, garden full of roses, mild long evenings), has some important functions this year.
The Moon (25/53 Sagittarius)  does connect the exact Jupiter (18.37 rx Sagittarius)-Neptune (18.43 Pisces) square on 16th June and the exact Saturn (18.47 rx Capricorn)-Neptune sextile on 18th June, thus bridging those two in space.
And it is the last moon phase of the current eclipse. Giving us only the next weeks to fulfil our long term visions, dreams, intentions we have set at the January eclipse!

The Moon is also conjunct fixed star Sargas ( and Aculeus ( in the tail of the constellation Scorpio and stars in the constellation Ophiuchus and the Serpent (

It was splendid to sit outside and watch Moon and Jupiter, those
shining two beauties, during last night and absorb the energies of increased inspiration, benevolence, good fortune, the wisdom of the snake, and to allow myself to see and dream with the bigger picture … 

North Node, Mercury and Mars are in Cancer, trine Neptune, opposite Saturn and Pluto, Quincunx Jupiter

Do we have faith? Do we have patience? Do we have focus and clear thinking? Our long term dreams can come true when we understand our limitations and work with a realistic attitude on the realisation of our dreams. No short cuts, no gambling, no delusions…
It is also important to be careful with unnecessary outbursts of aggression, envy, jealousy and verbal abuse. If there is delay, bad news etc, keep focussing. It is about channeling our inspiration and spiritual wisdom into hard work – though as it is our dreams it isn’t really hard work… 🙂 
Full Moon – wisdom of dreaming

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