magic soul | Burguffeler Str.4 | 34376 Immenhausen | 

New Moon August 2020

The next New Moon is 19th August, 2.42 am UTC

Moon and Sun are 26°35’ Leo,
conjunct Mercury (28°07’ Leo), quincunx Saturn (26°38 rx Capricorn), trine Mars (24°54’ Aries) and Lilith (22°56’ Aries), semisquare Venus (10°59’ Cancer), sextile North Node (27°26’ Gemini), conjunct fixed stars Alfard in the constellation of the water snakeAdhafera (! also been called the funeral pyre) and Al Jabhah in the constellation of Leo.

This New Moon is best taken seriously if we don’t want to “hit the wall“, be thrown off balance, … 

We are going to face some weeks with restrictions, inhibitions, obligations, constraints, etc. Because of the imbalance between what one wants to do and what one can do, what one wants to say and can say, we will probably feel a lot of tension and frustration. Many plans and projects will be hindered, delayed, cancelled – be this due to „personal” authority figures or due to „collective“ ones etc. 

News, information, communication are likewise hindered, delayed, cancelled, twisted, manipulated,… – again this can be personal or collective – which will easily lead to (personal/global) communication problems. 

The power of authorities is high but also restricted. There is (for my taste) too much potential for destruction, deceit, imprisonment, poison, lying. So best not to believe but question everything, especially what is coming from authorities, and activate our cosmic/earth knowledge. Best to drop, drop, drop.. and to strengthen our roots in the Above and Below. 

As difficult and challenging as it might be, we can find purpose in these energies and make the most out of it. As always: awareness is the key… 🙂

If they make you feel you want to scream, do so as keeping the frustration and all the Leo/Aries fire inside is the worst one can do. If you have a creative outlet for it even better. Amidst the restriction of some kinds of self-expression we have the chance to discover new ways of expression.

If they make you tumble into fear and panic, go into nature, drop into meditation, and/or be surrounded by people rooted in love and trust. Activate all your resources that (re)align you. Reach out to friends. Even if that leads to the funeral pyre of some friendships. This brings clarity. And calmness, like Halcyon, the kingfisher.

If they make you want to act and fight because you see the injustice (of the old patriarchy), stay patient, concentrate on what is possible and pursue those things. Leo rules the heart, so connect with your heart into the Above and Below, aligning it with the Earth and Cosmic wisdom. Know what is right even if you can’t put it into action (right now). Be patient… strengthen your recourses and defences…
For those of you who yearn for poetic justice, see Ezra Pound’s Cantus XIV and XV.

This New Moon gives a lot of fire, enthusiasm, urge to burn and be creative. Make sure you are conscious about your true desires, passions, values and motives. No matter the circumstances, find – creatively and playful – ways to go after them. 

Deal with your personal unresolved issues and fears around authority and inhibition (yes, that may well bring up ancestors’ stuff or even go back millennia). It is a great time to change our autopilot-survival-responses regrading suppression and create new, healthier ones. It is also a great time to become aware of the ways you inhibit yourself – and to change these, put them onto the pyre as well.

Avoid to be hasty but make decisions – the right ones. Become aware of your past mistakes and make sure, be aware and mindful, you don’t make these mistakes anymore. 

Try to be as flexible, adaptable, open-minded as possible and see the bigger picture, even when having to face dangers and losses. This is not a time to hang onto planned routes but to use our creativity to navigate through dangerous waters.

I like the description about the Hydra as „Source of the Fountains of the Great Deep“, and Adhafera being the „Solitary one in the Serpent“. Gives lovely impulses to ponder and investigate and connect to 🙂

Use the New Moon Window between 18th and 20th August to tune into its energies, connecting to and getting guidance from the/your immortal wisdom. Be this by drumming, walking the eight, meditating, dreaming, making a funeral pyre, etc.

image credit: David Mark / pixabay

New Moon August 2020

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